X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix
X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix



Management Team

Thomas Fox, CEO

Tom Fox has over 30 years experience in the business areas of new product development and their introduction to the market. Tom is a proficient mechanical and electrical design engineer. He holds a PhD in Physics from Loughborough University in England. In 1979, he was recruited by Perkin-Elmer Corporation in the United States, as a product development engineer, where he designed specialized high temperature coating systems, used today throughout the world in the manufacture of gas turbine engines. Since that time Tom has held senior management positions in engineering, manufacturing and marketing. He has completed major projects with major corporations, government contractors, government agencies and universities. He is the holder of 7 U.S. Patents.

Prior to founding X-metrix Inc. Tom was Director of Manufacturing and Product Design for MXF Technologies Inc, a company making monochromatic x-ray filters.

Stephen Henderson, Technical Director

Stephen is a native of New Zealand, who majored in Chemistry and Physics at Victoria University of Wellington, before continuing on to do a PhD in Physical Chemistry at the same university. He went on to work at Australian National University for 3 years, where he began his career in x-ray and neutron diffraction. From there, he came to the USA and has worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. At NASA he worked on the X-ray telescope program. He currently provides services to the University of Maryland, College Park and at the National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) in the areas of x-ray instrumentation x-ray optics and software development.

Larry Olsen, Operations Director

Larry BSIS, ASET, has more than 25 year of experience in engineering and technical support to government and industry specializing in high reliability electronics and automation and control of custom laboratory and industrial systems. He started his career in field service in 1979 as a customer engineer maintaining electromechanical business equipment, then spent 5 years in the nuclear industry servicing and calibrating radiological monitoring and measuring instrumentation for the Government (NIH, AFRRI, FDA, etc.) and industry. In 1987 moved to the aerospace industry providing electrical engineering support for design, fabrication, testing and implementation/integration of space flight and high reliability electronic systems for Government customers such as NRL, TEXCOM, DLA, NOAA, and NASA. For the past 12 years, Larry was on-site supporting NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in the R&D, fabrication and testing of x-ray optics for space based x-ray telescopes (ASTRO-E2, InFocus, Constellation -X).