X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix
X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix X-Ray Measurement Systems   X-Metrix

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May 14, 2008 : Paper at the CLEERS Workshop.

Tom Fox, President of X-Metrix was a co-author of a paper presented at the CLEERS ( Cross-Cut Lean Exhaust Emissions Reduction Simulations) workshop held in Detroit on May 13-15, 2008 .

X-Ray inspection of Diesel Particulate Filters
Jan Zandhuis, 3DX-Ray Ltd; Charles Finney, ORNL; Todd Toops, ORNL; Stuart Daw, ORNL; Thomas J Fox, X-Metrix

This presentation will describe novel results of recent research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, using new commercially available non-destructive x-ray techniques to make engineering measurements on diesel particulate filters.  We will present data showing the ability to visualize and measure flaws in substrates, quantify the distribution of individual or multiple wash-coats, and make through-the-can evaluations of the distribution of soot, ash, and thermal regeneration damage

Download presentation at the CLEERS website http://www.cleers.org/workshops/workshop11/index.php , or here.

This presentation can be found at the CLEERS website , viewed in Flash or downloaded here

February 28, 2008 : X-Metrix introduces:

Non-Destructive X-Ray for Diesel Particulate Filters
Measures distribution of wash coats, soot, ash, and substrate damage from regeneration

3DX-Ray has introduced a set of non-destructive tools for its MDXi x-ray inspection system that allows engineers, for the first time ever, to measure and analyze the expensive coatings and fills in diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters. This includes distributions of wash coat, soot, ash and regeneration damage.

The new system allows manufacturers to improve performance and reduce costs. The tools also work on liquid fills, even when the container is made from thick steel plate. Previously only destructive testing has been possible for this billion dollar marketplace.

Diesel Particulate filters need to achieve high filtration efficiency, low filtration backpressure, and fast regeneration. Design engineers need to maximize the efficacy of catalysts and balance the high loading needed for performance against the low cost demands of the market place.

The 3DX-Ray MDXi system can accurately measure distances and alignments and the database it produces can be linked into a QC, SPC or SCADA systems. It uses the company's patented line-scan technology, which eliminates the need for conventional, expensive panel x-ray detectors, whilst still providing impressive data acquisition speeds and quality images. It also allows the user to measure the substrate damage caused by regeneration and analyze the catalyst performance over time.

June 10, 2007

X-metrix exhibiting at the MD&M Show

X-metrix will be exhibiting at booth 3061, at the upcoming Medical device and Manufacturing Show (MD&M Show), at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York , NY.

The show will be open June 12-14, 2007.

Staff from both X-metrix and 3DX-Ray will be on site to demonstrate real time production speed x-ray inspection and will be available to talk about applications for the MDXi, AXIS3D, DEX and X-Line products.

March 19 2007

3DX-RAY, world leader in 3D and 2D X-ray technology are please to announce the appointment of X-Metrix as a distributor of it's industrial products and systems.

"There is a great deal of compatibility between our two companies" said 3DX-Ray's Sales and Marketing Director Robin Higgons "We both have considerable technical and engineering experience in the industrial uses of x-rays and we both follow the same customer-centric approach"

X-ray inspection offers industry the capability of detecting concealed components, voids, faults and contaminants within opaque products, assemblies and sub-assemblies.  It can do this in real-time, in-line, on-line or off-line,

Our technology is applicable to a wide range of products across many areas of industry, including the automotive, aerospace, medical device, pharmaceutical, waste handling, , and nuclear industries.  It provides valuable information to QC, NDT, Manufacturing, R&D and product development departments.

X-ray inspection can provide an invaluable tool that can help to ensure the integrity of safety critical components as well as reducing warranty and after-sales support costs.  At the same time it can increase patient safety and provide metrology measurements for SPC and 6 Sigma programmes by detecting latent faults that can be eliminated during the manufacturing process.

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